Who buys your put option?

Another buyer usually buys your put option expecting that the price of the underlying asset will drop before the expiration date of the contract. The put option buyer makes the trade in order to increase the profit in case the price of the stock or asset declines. For a small upfront fee, the buyer can profit from the stock prices below the strike price until the maturity date of the contract.

Is it better to buy calls or sell puts?

It is better to buy a call option rather than sell a put option. Buying call options provide you with a potential for future profits with an immediate loss. If the underlying stock price remains, you can potentially make decent money in the long term.

The risk involved with buying a call option is limited to the premium of the option contract.

On the flip side, when you sell a put option, you are given an immediate profit or gain with the potential of making a future loss with unlimited risk.

When should you buy puts?

You should buy puts to increase your profit from the price decline on an underlying stock. A put option gives you the option and the obligation to sell the contract at the strike price (a predetermined price), with the aim of making an immediate profit and potential of a loss in the future.

When should you buy puts

As such, the key benefit of buying put options is to create a quick profit when you expect the specific price of the underlying stock to fall before the maturity date on the options contract.

Getting to Know Call Options

When it comes to call options, the buyer possesses the right to purchase a financial vehicle at a predetermined hit price. Note that the buyer is not obligated to do so, though.

What are call options?

A call option is a financial construction that gives the option purchaser the right, but not the obligation to purchase a commodity, bond, stock, or a financial instrument or asset at a specified stock price within a given period. The underlying asset can be a commodity, bond, or a stock. When the price of this asset goes up, the option buyer will profit.

A call option differs from a put option. More specifically, a put is an option meant to be sold, while a call is an option to buy. In other words, a put option gives the holder the right to sell the commodity, stock, or other underlying asset at the pre-agreed option’s strike price prior to or on expiration.

If the call buyer agrees to exercise their option to purchase, the seller of the option is compelled to sell the security to them. The option buyer can exercise the option at any time before the expiration date. The expiration date might be three, six, or even a year in the future.

The seller receives the option’s purchase price, which is determined by how near the option strike price is to the underlying security’s price at the time the option is acquired, as well as how much time remains until the option’s expiry date.

Best call options trades

In other words, the option’s price is determined by how likely or unlikely it is that the option buyer will be able to economically exercise the option before it expires. Options are typically traded in quantities of 100 shares. The buyer of a call option hopes to benefit if and when the underlying asset’s price rises to a level greater than the option strike price.

The seller of a call option, on the other hand, anticipates that the asset’s price will fall, or at the very least never rise as high as the option strike/exercise price before it expires, in which case the money received for selling the option will be pure profit.

If the price of the underlying security does not rise beyond the strike price before expiration, it will be unprofitable for the option buyer to exercise the option, and the option will expire worthless or “out-of-the-money.”

The buyer will incur a loss equivalent to the cost of the call option.

Alternatively, if the underlying security’s price increases over the strike price of the option, the buyer can financially exercise the option. It is all about knowing when to exercise selling the option.

Short vs Long Call Options

Short call option:

As its name indicates, a short call option is the opposite of a long call option. In a short call option, the seller promises to sell their shares at a fixed strike price in the future. Short call options are mainly used for covered calls by the option seller, or call options in which the seller already owns the underlying stock for their options. The call helps contain the losses that they might suffer if the trade does not go their way.

For example, their losses would multiply if the call were uncovered (i.e., they did not own the underlying stock for their option) and the stock appreciated significantly in price.

Long Option:

A long call option is simply a call option in which the buyer has the right, but not the duty, to purchase a stock at a striking price in the future. The benefit of a long call is that it allows you to prepare ahead of time to buy a stock at a lower price. For example, you may buy a long call option in advance of a noteworthy event, such as a company’s earnings call.

While the earnings from a long call option are infinite, the losses are restricted to the premiums paid. Thus, even if the firm does not announce a favorable earnings beat (or one that falls short of market expectations) and the price of its shares falls, the maximum losses that can be incurred are limited.

Types of Call Options

  • Buy-Write Call or Covered Call Option – This is when you sell a call option on a stock that you own. “Covered call writing is a highly cautious investing technique and a means to create additional income,” explains Creighton University finance professor Robert R. Johnson. “A covered call writer is essentially trading some upward potential in return for higher present revenue. This is especially beneficial for individuals who are nearing retirement and looking for additional income.” You might already own the stock or purchase it when you write (sell) the option.
  • Naked call – With naked call option, the holder doesn’t actually own the stock, commodity, or underlying asset to start with. 
  • Sell to close call option – This is a type of call option in which the initial buyer chooses to sell the option to exploit the underlying asset.

Why Sell Call Options

  • They provide an extra stream of income
  • The selling activity is repeatable and profitable each time when done correctly
  • The call option’s premium is guaranteed

Why Ditch Selling Call Options for Selling A Put Option

  • You can potentially incur numerous losses
  • The profits are limited
  • You cannot sell the stock, commodity, or underlying asset

Is forex a gamble?

Yes, forex is considered by many people to be a gamble. As such, forex trading is often seen as nothing more than a fancy and more regulated form of gambling. And it makes sense because when you take a position in a specific forex pair, you’re basically wagering on the rate to either rise or fall by taking a short or long position.

Unlike when the stock price declines

Is forex just luck?

Forex has an element of luck, but it is not just luck. You can use market research, technical analysis tools, and experience to improve your chances of profiting from forex trading by more than 50%. Even so, you won’t be able to eliminate all of the elements of luck from forex trading.

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