How to play Razz Poker?

This article discusses the gameplay, betting structure, and strategy of Razz Poker. Learn how to play by evaluating hands, avoiding common mistakes, and adapting your strategy to different opponent types.

Basics of Razz Poker

Also known as seven-card stud-low or seven-card razz, uses the Ace to 5 or California system for ranking low hands. The objective is to make the best possible low five-card poker hand from the seven cards dealt to each person.

Card values:

Ace is worth 1, 2 is worth 2, etc., up to 10, then Jack is 11, Queen 12, King 13. For example, a hand of K-Q-7-5-2 gives you a total of 49 (13+12+7+5+2), and you’ll lose to anyone with a lower points total.

Visible Cards:

There are only two cards in your hand that other players cannot see and, likewise, will not be able to see until a showdown. The rest of your hand is dealt open and is visible to all players.

Door card:

The first visible (face-up) card that all other players can see. You’re dealt three cards to start. The other 2 are face down.

Low Hand Rankings

Unlike high-hand poker games, straights and flushes do not count in a Razz Poker hand, and you need to stay clear of forming pairs.

Avoid Pairs
Any card in your hand that is not unique is not used. So, if you have a pair in your best five cards, you have reduced your hand to four cards. For example, 8-6-6-4-2 would lose to K-Q-8-6-3 because – Any 5-card hand beats a 4-card hand.

Here are some low-hand rankings, starting from the strongest (lowest) to the weakest (highest). We’ve added the points score to each so you can clearly see how things are calculated.

  • 5-4-3-2-A (also known as a wheel or bicycle) = 15
  • 6-4-3-2-A = 16
  • 6-5-3-2-A = 17
  • 7-5-4-3-2 = 21
  • 7-6-4-3-2 = 22 (Note here – both hands total 22, 7 is lower than 8,
  • 8-5-4-3-2 = 22   & in a tie, the hand with the weakest card loses)
  • 8-6-4-3-2 = 23
  • 8-6-5-3-2 = 24
  • 8-7-5-3-2 = 25
  • 8-7-6-4-2 = 27
  • 8-7-6-5-2 = 28
  • 8-7-6-5-3 = 29
  • 9-7-6-5-3 = 30
  • 9-8-7-5-3 = 32
  • 9-8-7-6-3 = 33
  • 9-8-7-6-4 = 34
  • 9-8-7-6-5 = 35
  • 10-8-7-6-4 = 35
  • 10-8-7-6-5 = 36
  • J-8-7-6-5 = 36
  • Q-8-7-6-5 = 36
  • K-8-7-6-5 = 36
  • 10-9-8-7-5 = 39
  • 10-9-8-7-6 = 40

Check the examples above in which the totals are the same and note how the winning hand is determined. The player with the highest card loses in the case of a tie.

Top 10 Razz Starting Hands

  • A, 2, 3
  • A, 2, 4
  • A, 3, 4
  • 2, 3, 4
  • A, 2, 5
  • A, 3, 5
  • A, 4, 5
  • 2, 3, 5
  • 2, 4, 5
  • A, 2, 6

Betting Structure and Rounds

The below run-through is based on a fixed betting structure with $1/$2 stakes.

Ante – All players put in the forced ante bet to start the game

Third Street – After placing the Antes, each player is dealt three cards: two face-down (hole cards) and one face-up (door card), sometimes known as ‘Third Street’ – as each player now has three cards

Bring-in – The person with the highest door card must post the Bring-in, another forced bet, usually half the size of the lower stakes limit. The suit order for the bring-in is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. So, if you have the same card as another player, the person with the spades plays first, then hearts, etc.

Completion – Betting is underway, the action moves clockwise, and players can call, raise, or fold.

Fourth Street – Here, the dealer deals a fourth card face-up to each remaining player – this card is known as ‘Fourth Street.’ All bets must match the $1 stake.

Fifth Street – Following the first betting round, the dealer deals a fourth card face-up to each remaining player. All bets from here on must match the $2 stake.

Sixth Street – Following the first betting round, the dealer deals a fourth card face-up to each remaining player. Bets match the $2 stake.

Seventh Street – Each remaining player receives their final card face down and places bets matching the $2 stake.

Showdown – Where players show their hands and determine the winner. The person in the first seat (from where the round started) shows first, and cards are shown clockwise around the table. If two or more players have the same value hand, the pot is split. There is no suit ranking.

Running out of Cards

With a full table of 8 players, you can run out of cards before everyone receives seven cards. In the rare event of this happening, the 7th Street is dealt as a single face up community card, and all players can use it in their hand.

Game Stakes in Razz

  • Limit Razz has a predetermined maximum bet for each betting round. For example, a $1/$2 limit game would have a maximum bet of $1 during the first two betting rounds and $2 for the remaining rounds.
  • No-limit Razz has no cap on the maximum bet. You can bet any amount of chips. 
  • Pot-limit Razz limits the maximum bet to the current total amount in the pot.

How Razz Poker Differs from Other Poker Games?

  1. Lowball Game: Here, the lowest hand wins the pot rather than the highest hand.
  2. Aces are Low: Unlike other poker games, where it is the highest, the Aces functions as a low card.
  3. Unique Hand Rankings: Here, the best possible hand (lowest hand) is A-2-3-4-5.
  4. Flushes and Straights Aren’t Counted.
  5. It is generally played with a fixed-limit betting structure, along with antes and bring-in bets. Players cannot make unlimited bets or raises.

How to Develop a Winning Razz Poker Strategy?

Bluffing and Reading Opponents

You need to consider your table position, what your door card shows, and your opponents’ visible cards. You should also pay close attention to your opponent’s betting patterns and reactions.

Positioning and Table Dynamics

If you are in the earlier positions, you might face more aggressive opponents, compared to later positions, where you can take advantage of weakened hands.

Read Playing Styles

Some tables may have more conservative or tight-aggressive players. You should adjust your strategy to match the table dynamics.

Fold Equity and Aggressive Play

Fold equity is the likelihood of your opponents folding their hands based on your bet size and perceived strength. By combining it with aggressive play, you can steal antes and bring-ins from weaker hands, which will make your opponents doubt their decisions.

Common Razz Poker Mistakes to Avoid

Overvaluing High Hands

Many players become overly excited when they see a low card, like an ace or a deuce, in their starting hand and think they have a strong hand. This can quickly lead to losses, as 5 out of the seven cards will contribute to the strength of your hand.

Calling Bets Too Frequently

Inexperienced players may call bets frequently, as it feels like a safe middle ground where they can avoid the risks of folding or raising. This can lead to a slow bleed of your stack.

Failing to Adjust Your Strategy

Many players become overly dependent on a single strategy which will lead to their downfall. Sticking to one approach can make you predictable and easy to take advantage of. Instead, shift your approach according to your opponents’ moves and your position at the table. 

Ignoring Opponents’ Board and Actions

You need to be aware of your opponents’ boards and actions at the table. Being preoccupied with your own hands and overlooking critical clues from others’ boards can help you decide whether to call, fold, or raise.

Razz Poker Variations


It is played in a multi-table elimination format with a fixed buy-in amount. Each player starts with a predetermined number of chips, and the blinds/antes increase at set intervals to keep the action moving. The play continues until only one person remains. The last player standing receives the largest part of the prize pool, and payouts are then reduced for each position.

Variations include;

  • Freeze-out tournaments – players cannot re-buy after losing all their chips
  • Multi-entry tournaments – allow players to enter multiple times with separate buy-ins.

Cash (Ring) Game

Also known as ring games, these allow players to join and leave the table anytime. Players can buy in for any amount they choose as long as it falls within the table’s minimum and maximum buy-in range. There are no escalating blind levels in cash games. So, players can focus solely on individual hand strategies and adjust their playstyle to exploit their opponent’s weaknesses.

Effective stack sizes play a significant role in cash games. Players with larger stacks may use their advantage to bully smaller-stacked opponents, while short-stacked players need to be highly selective with their starting hands and bluffing opportunities.

What is the forced bet, or “bring-in,” in Razz Poker?

It is a bet made by the player with the highest door card to initiate the first betting round. 

How many betting rounds are there in Razz Poker?

Five. They are Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, and Seventh Street.

What does “steal position” mean in Razz Poker?

It is a situation where a player with a strong upcard raises to force opponents with slightly better hands to fold.

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