The Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB)

Author: Olivia Brown

Last Updated: December 10, 2024

History of the Nevada Gaming Control Board

Nevada’s relationship with gambling dates back to the 19th century, but gambling wasn’t legalized in the state until 1931. However, with legalization came the need for regulation to ensure that the gaming industry would remain legitimate. 

Initially, regulation was handled by local governments, but in 1955, the Nevada legislature created the Nevada Gaming Control Board. The NGCB was tasked with overseeing the state’s gaming activities, enforcing gaming laws, and ensuring that the industry remained free from organized crime.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Board’s role expanded to include overseeing gaming equipment manufacturers, distributors, and service providers. Today, the NGCB stands as a model for gaming regulation, protecting the public and maintaining the integrity of gaming.

Structure of the NGCB

The Nevada Gaming Control Board operates under the Nevada Gaming Commission, which is the state’s ultimate authority on gaming matters. The NGCB is also a part of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry.

The Three-Member Board

The NGCB is comprised of three members who the Governor of Nevada appoints. These members serve four-year terms and can be reappointed. The Board members bring a diverse set of skills and experience in law enforcement, law, finance, and business. Additionally, the Board’s decisions on regulatory matters are made collectively, with a majority vote required for action.

Divisions and Functions

The NGCB is divided into several divisions, each responsible for a different aspect of gaming regulation:

  • Audit Division: They conduct regular casino audits to verify their financial records and ensure they are accurately reporting their revenue.
  • Enforcement Division: This Division is responsible for investigating violations of gaming laws, as well as enforcing responsible gambling initiatives.
  • Investigations Division: The Investigations Division conducts background checks on gaming license applicants, including owners, operators, and key employees.
  • Technology Division: It also oversees the approval and regulation of gaming technology, including slots, online gaming platforms, and other electronic devices.
  • Tax and License Division: They process gaming license applications and renewals and collecting taxes and fees from gaming operators.
  • Administration Division: The Administration Division handles the NGCB’s internal operations, including budgeting, human resources, and legal affairs.

Functions and Responsibilities of the NGCB

The Nevada Gaming Control Board regulates the state’s gaming industry in a multifaceted manner. 


The licensing process is rigorous and involves extensive background checks and financial investigations. Moreover, it is done to ensure that only the best casinos are granted the privilege of operating in Nevada’s gaming industry.

Enforcement and Compliance

The board conducts investigations into alleged violations, such as casino cheating, fraud, or failure to adhere to financial reporting requirements. They also take disciplinary actions against violators, which can range from fines and penalties to license suspension or revocation.

Auditing and Financial Oversight

Regular audits of casinos and other gaming establishments verify that they accurately report revenue and pay the appropriate taxes and fees to the state. The NGCB’s auditing process is designed to detect and prevent financial irregularities, ensuring that the state’s gaming industry remains transparent and accountable.

Policy Development and Advisory Role

The NGCB also plays a significant role in shaping gaming policy in Nevada. The Board regularly reviews and updates gaming regulations to keep pace with industry changes, such as the introduction of new gaming technologies and the expansion of online gaming. The NGCB also advises the Nevada Gaming Commission and the state legislature on gaming-related issues, providing expert insights and recommendations on matters ranging from regulatory changes to tax policy.

Impact of the Nevada Gaming Control Board

Revenue Generation

Gaming is a vital part of Nevada’s economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue each year and providing thousands of jobs. The NGCB’s regulatory framework also attracts investment to the state, as gaming operators know that they will be operating in a well-regulated and stable environment.

Maintaining Public Confidence

By ensuring that gaming operations are conducted fairly and that operators adhere to strict ethical standards, the NGCB helps to protect consumers and maintain the integrity of the industry. This, in turn, encourages more people to participate in gaming activities, knowing that they are doing so in a regulated and trustworthy environment.

Global Influence

Many other states and countries look to the NGCB as a model for their regulatory frameworks, and the Board’s expertise is often sought in international discussions on gaming policy.

For more information, visit the Nevada Gaming Control Board’s official website.